Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm Voting For The Green Candidate :

No, not that guy. The other who isn’t a fascist lapdog weasel.

Former relies on his diplomas and ‘perfect attendance’ to seem ‘intelligent’ to lazy minds. My candidate, meanwhile, has the real smarts.

But it was this blog which made me finally decide.

Well, this quote, anyway.

" Truth to tell, it’s jamby madrigal and nicanor perlas who are running on platforms of CHANGE, and noynoy and the rest should be giving way to them, i.e., if we are to go by EDSA. "

Basically true.

We need an upheaval right now, which is determined towards achieving a more participatory, engaged and surgical transformation of our society. This should be fine.

Was a tough choice between Jamby and Nick for me, honestly. The deal breaker, though, was Jamby coming to the aid of Aquino and DEFENDING HIM re. Mendiola Massacre. That is highly unacceptable gesture in my book, and reeks of callous opportunism, & shows her to be nothing more than a ‘wheeler-dealer’ of some kind. Whatever progressive bona fides she has accumulated all this time has been downgraded by this single act. Worse, in the event of her win, the matrix of oligarchic power play is only upheld, and calling her bluff, in a sense, would just amount to begging for a seat at their table. Perfectly good as Jamby's intentions may be. We didn’t go so far in this journey to merely want a seat in the table.

Ultimately, what won me over is that his campaign is about going beyond and transcending all that. Because we deserve better. Than this, than these insulting set of choices they menacingly throw at us. We don't have to resign ourselves to the telenovela of the yellow bastard, or the bogus b.s. of that 'mahirap' prick, or the country-killing doctrine of those who want or think they are white.

What we need, with the risk of sounding cliched, is the new shit. A clean fucking break. A fresh perspective. A plan amd aim that screams civilization. That doesn't demean us, or talk down on us, or casts us in mendicancy. That works around our country's present limitations, instead of merely being OF them.

That w/c showcases Filipino cerebral acumen as able to produce spectacular views, ways and means to achieve holistic growth, crush the structural deadweights, and totally ascend: unfurling the Gordian knot of Semi-Feudal, Semi-Colonial formulations, which has suffocated dreams and stifled capabilities, preventing a lot of us from thinking out of its grue.

One which builds on the strength of our own ideas and common purpose.

For your consideration.


Nicanor Perlas’ Platform:

Oh, and please do check this out,too. This one got me started.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Perlas/Binay 2010

This blog supports the candidacies of :


Vote ( #152 ) :

Report On The Current State Of Our Cinema, by Juan Antonio Bardem :

- Delivered to a film congress at the Univ. of Salamanca, Spain
May 1955

" At the present time, the world is getting ready to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of cinema. At the same time, a group of Spaniards are meeting at one of Europe's most beloved universities to talk about film.

The name of this meeting is highly significant: it is National Conversations on Film. That is to say, we Spaniards are going to discuss cinema. Within this free dialogue, this exchange of ideas and concepts, we will practice, in the most honest and sincere manner, criticism and self-criticism of our attitude toward the cinema of Spain.

A few days ago, in Cannes, celebrating this sixtieth anniversary, I saw some of the first images captured on film. I thought about Salamanca. I thought that what's really important to us Spaniards is to reflect upon our cinema, Spanish cinema. Not out of chauvinism but rather, on the contrary, in the firm belief that we can only reach the universal through the strictly, empatically, and truly national.

Let's talk, then, about or national cinema. The whole world is listening. Let's talk, from right here, from the Salamanca of Fray Luis de León, and Miguel de Unamuno, about Spanish cinema.
After sixty years of filmmaking, Spanish cinema is:

* Politically ineffective

* Socially false

* Intellectually worthless

* Aesthetically nonexistent

* Industrually cripped

* Politically ineffective: Spanish cinema starts for us in 1939. Since then, there hasn't been a single authentic political film. The ones that have attempted to claim that title are just cheap acts of fake patriotism, ending with the waving of a Spanish flag to garner applause. At first sight, Raza (José Luis Sáenz de Heredia/1942) might seem to be that political film. But is not. Raza stands out simply because it was Spain's first formally accomplished film.

This lack of authentic political films is a serious defect in a cinema run by the state. And even those films that escape complete state control are anodyne, out of sync, bizarre.The filmmaker can't believe, doesn't actually believe, in his cinema, and so he escapes. From this point of view, Spanish cinema has a name: escapism. And this is the case with all of our films, even the best of them. Surcos (José Antonio Nieves de Conde/1951) escapes by giving us an unconvincingly bucolic explanation for the rural exodus to the city. If there is an exodus, there has to be a reason for it. But Surcos doesn't even look for that reason. Bienvenido, Mr. Marshall! (Luis García Berlanga, 1953) escapes in another way, into fantasy. There the Americans just drive on by, but in reality they never did.

There does in fact exist and official cinema. But it's a conformist cinema that turns its back on reality. That official cinema has yet to create a worthy film.

* Socially false: So our cinema, turning its back to the realities of Spain, has been incapable of showing us the true nature of Spain's problems, of its land and people. This attemporal portrayal, airless and false, of the so-called Spanish reality could not be further from our extraordinary realist tradition in painting and literature. Today someone who watches a Spanish film can't know, by watching it, how Spaniards live, how thet rejoice or suffer, what problems or conflicts they experience in society. The Spanish spectator is not informed throgh national films of the realities surrounding him. The vision of the world, of this Spanish world, portrayed in Spanish films is false. Nothing is true.

* Intellectually worthless: We are alone. We who love film have had to reinvent all the theories that have already been invented , re-create the style that were already cast off. Our intellectuals have rejected film and have adopted a dangerous and antiquated attitude toward it. They have abandoned us.

Every once in a while, one of those wise, patronizing voice deigns to speak about film. If the intellectual's expertise is derived from other disciplines, those of us who work in film, rightly offended, don't even listen. The fact that our intellectuals have wholly neglected film has long weakened our theoretical position and debilitated our cinema culture.

We've had to be bold to proudly create our fragile journal Objetivo. We watch terrible copies of forgotten films in our uninviting "art houses". Today we are ignorant of 90% of world film criticism, and we haven't seen 95% of the films we should have seen. This is a terrible disadvantage when it comes to building our own cinema. Spanish intellectuals have failed to recognize our films. I take great pleasura in the fact that it is Salamanca the is lending its lecture halls and intellectual prestige for the discussion of Spanish cinema.

* Aesthetically nonexistent: Our films lack form beacuse they lack content. Not even our style is any good. At best it is at times simply correct. On the other hand, I don't believe in style for its own sake. The lack of rigorous and true content produces an absurd aesthetic. Our films lack beauty because we haven't been able to create beauty, because we haven't been able to support beauty with a real and solid structure. Our films lack beauty because we haven't learned how to see this beauty. And so, thanks to this insincerity that blinds us, we haven't been able to grasp beauty.

* Industrially crippled: Our film industry has no market, smothered as it is by a protectionism that at first seems generous but in reality feeds on the blood of Spanish cinema. The equipment in our studios is outdated and scarce. Talent can sometimes be a replacement for the best cameras, but a standard level for a national cinema can only be reached through and adequate provision of material means and professionalism, which we are far from having. Let's not trust all those Americans who fill up our movie studios. They, too, will just be passing through, leaving nothing behind them.

We need new laws for our cinema. We need new forms of protection that don't isolate cinema froms its base, the audience. We need a different attitude from the state toward our cinema. We need the state not to view cinema as an enemy, not to restrict it or suffocate it. We need censorship to openly show its face, to direct us to the exit of its labyrinth, and to explain clearly what's forbidden and what isn't. We need an honest attitude from film professionals. They should see cinema not as a means but as an end, they should love it deeply, and they should not praise their own work to the skies when they clearly don't deserve it.

In the history of film, there are no Spanish names. Now we want to fight for a national cinema, with love, with sincerity, with integrity. Spain is close, at the edge of the heart. Through our cinema we want to be in contact with the people and lands of Spain, with the people and lands of the world. Maybe you think this assessment is too grim. Good.

Let's shake things up a little. We need to provoke a reaction. That way we can salvage something. We can at least salvage our desire to build a national cinema. Yes, we want to build our own cinema, Spanish cinema. Just as was said of a man eight years ago, so we can say now of our cinema:

" God, how fine the vassal. If only his lord were worthy! "



Sums up the current Philippine film scene in general.

Monday, April 19, 2010


“There is nothing wrong with being leftist. It’s a legitimate political tradition."
- Liberal Party senatorial candidate Risa Hontiveros.

by Carlo Cielo

Hmmm. So Leftism is just a 'tradition' to Risa Hontiveros. A 'legitimate' one at that. It's neither a point in an ideological spectrum, nor a choice in a so-called 'marketplace of ideas', nor a stance in a forum or debate. NOT LEGITIMATE POLITICS.

It is only a pose, a rhetoric that has to be assumed to simulate its existence in time of elections. Otherwise, the hegemony must still remain in all its oligarchy. Single type of rule is maintained. A status-quo persists, unchallenged, never to be replaced. There is only one trajectory for the nation, and that is one it has started with, and shall continue towards 'till the end of time. Each and every election circle is meant to produce the same set of platforms, the same set of agendas, the same set of formulations, as conducted by the same set of authors, and nothing else. No need to defend or to lobby for this or that on a parliament, since there's no one else to contend with. There is simply no other side.

But at least you get to keep face.

You get to go through these...plays and perform your part in them. You get to fulfill your bullshit role in these escapisms, these illusions of freedom due to the 'presence' of options and voting. One of which is democracy.

Leftism's individual dignity, integrity, and actual merit, as well as of those who live & fight under its Red banner, is disregarded, and is perfectly nullified.

That's why Leftist candidates here are treated as 'terror' suspects.

That's why Leftist groups are immediately being marginalized and disenfranchised. That's why Leftist views can only be vilified with no need for consideration. That's why Filipino Leftist activists, journalists, and professionals are repeatedly harassed, mugged, humiliated, or even shot down in the streets. Because they simply weren't supposed to be treated as real people. Because they simply weren't meant to be.

We will see then who is legitimate.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pitch of the Day : Nardong Putik Remake

Shamelessly ripping off this regular feature 'coz I've got enough time to waste. Game?

The Dark Knight Meets Silence of the Lambs Meets Balibo

Poster of Orig. Version, 1974



by Carlo Cielo

Political suspense thriller. A deglamorized, gritty, no-holds-barred take on Leonardo Manecio a.k.a. ‘Nardong Putik’, a true life bandit rumored to have wielded a magical amulet, who sowed mayhem in the Phil. countryside from the late ‘40s onwards, culminating in the notorious Maragondon massacre of 1952.

Informed by contemporary post-911 reality; ‘Terror’ dispels convenient myths and perceptions about vigilantes in general, portraying them as sinister, selfish nihilists who are more often subject to social/political forces than being beyond them. Nardong gets used by members of the establishment and the police to perpetuate their sick barbarity onto the public.

This also depicts how people like him would often be seen as divine & heroic by battered and superstitious Filipino masses, because it is the easiest thing for them to do so...

Narrative would carefully set-up the incidences and actions, the maneuvers and double-dealings of the various players, suddenly culminating in the knifing of the police chief, the mayor, and several policemen in Maragondon, Cavite. Should go on a bit from there, I suppose, as we see him meticulously plan several attacks for the next few decades.

Then, a post script about his eventual arrest in 1971, where it becomes clear that not only does he gain public sympathy, but also aids in the political rise of the one who led the operation against him; that particularly overzealous public servant becoming governor from 1979 to 1995, furthering the system which gave rise to the likes of Putik in the first place.

Flash forward to current times. Holding Nardong Putik’s amulet which got passed onto him in some way, a highly-decorated general tries to shield himself from human rights litigation, by running as governor in an undeclared province. Film ends. ( This part is fictional, but is inspired by actual news… )


My intent is to put the original 1970's Ramon Revilla Sr. starrer through the prism of our contemporary, far meaner times. Peeling away the folkloric touches, taking away the mysticism, into presenting these type of characters and events as we would understand them now - informed by Jason Ivler road rage & police shootout, reality TV, and the Ampatuan Massacre. Meaner. Grislier. Crasser.

Perhaps an argument can be made about how Nardong Putik represents another time with a different set of values, a different moral system, different sensibilities, and it would be inappropriate to cast his story in the light of today's more blatant predation. Nonetheless, I feel this should be effective means with which to expose the actual barbarism and lumpen brutality of his agenda and methods, which aren't in line with genuine struggle, and is still all about avarice.

And Nardong's aim to share this avarice with the less fortunate doesn't make his story a relic of a bygone era, despite the current 'anti-poor' climate. Rather, it is reflective of the parasitic system of patronage that lingers on and continues to produce class thugs to this very day. Its undercurrents of superstition and longing for corrupt Messiahs making the potential film more immediate.

That's it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Judge Of It All

by Carlo Cielo

One of the most significant realizations I’ve ever had, the one which put my intellectual journey across the noughties in full circle, is how Ayn Rand was a piece of shit all along.

See, I’ve always thought of Rand as a sort of ‘loyal opposition’, an ideological counterweight to smarmy pervert dogmas and philosophies that are all about subjugation and intrusion in your life. And yes, some threads within her philosophy are still relevant – at least the operant argumentative tract – and can still be utilized. They still do provide a counter-offense against trespass of unwanted kind - of neo-liberalism, among others.

What I never knew was an Ayn Rand who was a full-on, disgusting human lesion, who groveled at the feet of child murderers, and specifically because of the fact they’re scum. Perhaps enthralled by their resoluteness in representing a defined side of a moral spectrum. Nonetheless, someone who actually ends up LIKING corruption & evil, and subjugation in the end, and is perfectly fine with any of these.

Guess this serves to expose what made my previous predicament so wrong the first time I halfway bought into Objectivist philosophy, peaking at the years 2003-2005. Being so trapped by these mindsets, these doctrinal pissings I got tied up in. And the single most dangerously ironic flaw in Rand's philosophy : its exclusive investment in psychic income; where all of reality collapses into that wonderful space between you and your precious little thoughts, and intellectuality coming down to satiating that condition.

This insularity obviously results in paranoias, in claustrophobia of all correspondences and struggle & feedback being kept within one's own, the absolute goal being nothing more than to slog endlessly through those rationalizations, that internal discourse; and its incentive, the stress. There may be supplemental outside interactions, yes, but the back and forth between that person and the surrounding reality and actual society remains largely transactional, with little acceptance of their separate value and worth; as reason & comprehension is singularly governed by egoist subjectivity, and its indolent emotionalism consuming perspective.

You can only be besieged by pent-up, thought-out ‘claims’, and these are only what would mean anything in your life.

And some of those 'claims' do start to get untenable, even as they all do purport to one thing, and one thing only. If it’s not God, Jesus, or a buncha telepathic aliens you read in the Bible or somewhere, then it’s this illusory, pictured entity of fiction of 'self' - that glorious construct all these would run in contact against, all of which made of personal suggestions themselves, the only responsibility being to preserve and maintain that internal cacophony at all cost.

‘Self’ that has nothing to do with the term. 'Self' that is a construct than the actual subject - or object. 'Self' that isn't the tangible, flesh and blood of your actual organic being, much less the materiality of your being’s welfare. ‘Self’ that is not of the psycho-somatic, yet forcibly maltreats and obligates the psycho-somatic into endlessly feeding its crushing psychopathy. 'Self' that basically comes down to insular bloviation projected on the many.

Amazing how I've managed to maintain my generally ‘Leftist’ footing even as I've been knee-deep in that state. Perhaps it may have been that footing's ingrained angst w/c helped keep up such condition : the adversarial & antagonistic tact, of course, being removed from respective issues and context, and co-opted and utilized to feed EGO : repurposed to prop up & fulfill a tract of arrogance, a juvenile, self-authored modality, waxing right to (over)compensate for its invalidation – a material ‘fix', a special high, along the lines of drugs, ‘90s angsty-shit music, erotic bullshit, and synthetic post-traumatic ambiance. What has probably reduced ‘activism’ into ‘puberty phase’ for most people, and I guess still does.

Thankfully it didn't come down to that for me. I started embracing the substance of Left positionalities, before it was too late.

It helps to claw out of such confinement. It's good to get out of the self-absorption of that view. It aids to wake up to the inanity of it, and see the rudderless world outside, and how inferior the self-inflicted and futile the Objectivist set-up is in comparison, & truly moribund and abandoned by dynamic time. To fully grasp the understanding that you are concurrent to immediate reality, and what is at stake is EVERYONE. And so the single best therapy to this pointless morass - spiritual, political, psychological, or otherwise - is direct social engagement.

It also helps to realize that intellectuality goes both ways : it's not just what your thoughts say about the real world, but what the real world is telling you right now. Once you start accepting this, then you begin to matter again. Inspecting the bullshit, clearing out the mental filters, and looking at the merits and substance of things, and their respective functionalities and practicalities, and APPLYING their lessons, rather than merely using them to satisfy sensation for its own sake.

It’s what ultimately unshackles the Chinese Garter of such elite-engendered formulations. Of their superstructures specifically meant to stifle and disarm, and punish for some reason. It’s what would clear things up and make you realize that this one thing here for example is a wreck, a matrix of corrupt views, there is zero need to defend or suffer or wallow in these, and we should ought to invest our energies and castigations on the attacks from outside. Instead of spending all of those times brutalizing the Self.

The recent exposes on Ayn Rand shows real damn well the decrepit nature of her discourse, in all its pointless violence, the type of which governs our decade's most prominent fuckers as well : namely, the intellectual class parasites who have since nested themselves inside the belly of this socio-cultural imperialism. The creoles heathens who are more than eager to rave about a Filipina's rape-slay on celluloid – in how it’s such an ' uncompromisingly profound acceptance of human ruin '. And what tasty human ruin !

The rest of us just can't appreciate, 'coz we're the ‘masses’. We’re 'little people'. We’re ‘lice’, the ‘ naked, twisted, mindless figure of the human Incompetent’, ‘mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned’. That’s why we don't deserve a piece of the wealth. That's why we ought to 'wait our turn', instead of threatening freedom - their freedom - with demands for equity. We do not deserve to be recognized by these haughty, Dionysian Supermen.

We'll be the judge of that.


"What is synthesis? You have all witnessed how the two opposites, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, were synthesized on the mainland. The synthesis took place like this: their armies came, and we devoured them, we ate them bite by bite."
- Mao Zedong